Peru: Andes to the Amazon

October 7-22, 2025 with Machu Picchu extension Oct. 23-26!

Peru: Cusco to Manú National Park

Extending for thousands of square miles east of the Peruvian Andes, Manú National Park and the Amazon biosphere that surrounds it is a pristine wilderness that includes an impressive spectrum of Andean slope ecosystems – from high Andean Puna grasslands to lowland Amazonian rainforest. Stretching across so many altitudes and habitats, this reserve lays claim to the most diverse fauna and flora of any park in the world: 1,000+ bird species, 160 mammal species and 4,385 plant species have been recorded in its boundaries with more still being discovered. Its unmatched biodiversity and range of natural habitats was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987. Our tour will follow the very birdy Manú-Kosñipata Road with extended stays in lodges at specific altitudes to give us time to explore the staggering natural beauty of the Manú Biosphere Reserve.

Our tour begins in Lima, where nutrient-rich upwellings from the cold Humboldt Current offer nourishment for teeming seabird colonies that include boobies, cormorants and penguins. After a short flight to Cusco, we’ll cross high mountain grasslands and fields farmed for centuries in search of endemics like Bearded Mountaineer and Creamy-crested Spinetail. Once we reach the crest of the Acjanaco Pass above the tree line, the landscape tumbles downward into progressively taller and wetter forests. Our first stop will be the Wayqecha Biological Station, with its misty, elfin forests buzzing with high-elevation tanagers and hummingbirds. Next, we’ll descend to the Cock-of-the-Rock Lodge where lush cloud forests are home to exuberant Andean Cock-of-the-Rock leks as well as mixed flocks of technicolor tanagers like Paradise, Saffron-crowned and Beryl-spangled. The Villa Carmen Biological Station is lower still. Here we’ll explore spiny stands of Guadua bamboo and the foothill rainforest for the Bluish-fronted Jacamar, Black-backed Tody-Flycatcher and the skulking Manú Antbird.

Finally, we’ll reach the Amazonian Rainforest where we’ll spend four full days exploring. We’ll visit remote oxbow lakes favored by prehistoric-looking Hoatzins and the elusive Agami Heron. We’ll venture to a clay lick to experience the cacophony of parrots, parakeets and macaws seeking the rich minerals in the clay. We’ll climb a platform to observe brightly colored toucans, woodpeckers, cotingas and more from a vantage above the canopy. This remote Amazon area is home to Giant Otters, South American Tapirs, Peruvian Spider Monkeys, Tufted Capuchins, Collared Peccaries and even large cats like Ocelot, Puma and Jaguar.

For those who want to add one more amazing adventure to this tour, Machu Picchu awaits! From Cusco we’ll travel by train to Machu Picchu Pueblo where we’ll check into our five star Inkaterra Hotel, our base for an unforgettable experience!

The tour is limited to eight birders.

Birding Tour in Peru and Machu Picchu

Peru: Andes to the Amazon Tour

Dates: October 7-22, 2025 with Machu Picchu extension Oct. 23-26

Cost: $6,950 per person double occupancy. If you would like a private room, the single supplement is $950. The Machu Picchu extension is $2,350 per person double occupancy, single supplement $600.

Duration: The main tour is 16 days, 15 nights, the extension is 4 days and 4 nights.

Guide: Peter Burke


  • Visit the full spectrum of Andean slope habitats, including Puna grassland, elfin forest, cloud forest and lowland rainforest, each with its own special collection of birds, animals and plants.

  • Marvel at the timeless lek display of Andean Cock-of-the-Rock, a spectacle of sound and color.

  • Enjoy over 50 species of hummingbirds along this route including Bearded Mountaineer, Shining Sunbeam, Wire-crested Thorntail, Booted Racket-tail and Violet-throated Starfrontlet.

  • Witness the lively congregation of hundreds of parrots, parakeets and macaws at a clay lick where the birds congregate to feed on the mineral-rich soil.

  • Seek Peruvian endemic birds such as Chestnut-breasted Mountain-Finch, Red-and-white Antpitta and Seaside Cinclodes.

  • Experience the biological richness of the Manú- Kosñipata Road, an awesome birding route that traverses one of the most biodiverse regions in the world.

  • Extend your journey with a visit to the magical Machu Picchu!

Rocky Mountain Birding tours are small and fill quickly!

Book today! Please click on the button below and complete the simple form based on your birding interests. We will be in touch to walk you through your birding or wildlife adventure of your choosing!

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  • Included:

    • Local guide, lodging, park entry fees, transportation, and meals beginning with dinner on Oct. 7 through lunch on Oct. 22

    • Your round trip flights from Lima to Cusco.

    • Optics – I will have a Kowa 99mm scope available throughout the tour.

    NOT Included:

    • Your international flights into and out of Lima

    • Personal items such as alcohol with meals, laundry, etc.

  • The tour begins in Lima on Oct. 7, 2025 and concludes in Lima on Oct. 22. The Machu Picchu extension begins in Lima on Oct. 22 and concludes in Lima on Oct. 26. We will visit some very remote locations with changes in elevation from near sea level to approximately 12,000 feet (3,700 meters). There will be occasional hiking on uneven ground and through primary forest. Weather is always an unknown, but frequent, intermittent rain showers are common.

    Tue., Oct. 7     Arrivals in Lima

    Welcome to Peru! After you arrive in Lima, we will take you to the Costa del Sol hotel close to the airport. If your flight arrives at dawn, you have the option to reserve a room for an additional night so that you can check into your room immediately. Those arriving in time can enjoy a casual dinner together at the hotel.

    Accommodations in Costa del Sol, Airport at Lima

    Wed., Oct. 8      Pucusana & Pantanos de Villa Marshes

    Today we’ll drive south from Lima towards Pucusana, a picturesque fishing village located on the shores of a calm bay teeming with seabirds. We’ll charter a boat that will take us around Pucusana Bay to observe the many marine birds associated with the cold Humboldt Current—nesting Guanay and Red-legged Cormorants, Peruvian Booby, Inca Tern and maybe even Humboldt Penguin. The endemic Seaside Cinclodes is found here as well.

    We’ll get our first taste of fresh Peruvian seafood for lunch at one of our favorite restaurants, then visit the Pantanos de Villa marshes on the outskirts of Lima. This wetland refuge is a coastal oasis surrounded by desert and harbors many unique birds like Great Grebe, Peruvian Thick-knee, Many-colored Rush Tyrant and more. We’ll return to Lima in time for a hearty dinner.

    Accommodations in Costa del Sol, Airport at Lima

    Thurs., Oct. 9       Flight to Cusco | Lake Huarcarpay Birding

    After taking an early morning flight to Cusco, we’ll meet our driver who will take us to Lake Huarcarpay with its extensive marshes and surrounded by mountains. Cusco is at an altitude of 11,150 feet (3,400 meters) so we’ll take our time acclimating as we explore the high-elevation reserve. We’ll look for Puna Teal, Puna Ibis, Chiguanco Thrush, Yellow-winged Blackbird, Andean Gull and more! The lake is edged with shrubs including tree tobacco—a plant favored by the Bearded Mountaineer, a spectacularly large and beautiful endemic hummingbird, as well as Giant Hummingbird on these slopes. We’ll keep an eye out for Cinereous Harrier, Yellow-winged Blackbird and Wren-like Rushbird too.

    The views from our lodge are breathtaking and the food is quite nice too. After dinner we’ll enjoy a presentation about Manu National Park that we will explore from the mountains to the lowlands.

    Accommodations at Villa Mercedes, Caicay, Peru

    Fri., Oct. 10       Cusco to Wayqecha Biological Station

    After an early breakfast, we’ll set out for Wayqecha, exploring the high Puna grasslands for Line-fronted and Scribble-tailed Canasteros, White-browed Conebill and Mustached Flowerpiercer. Our route will take us through the valley of Paucartambo, famous for being the world’s capital of potato diversity, and up to Ajcanaco at 12,000 feet. If it’s clear, we’ll be able to look out over the mountains towards the Amazon Basin stretching below and into the distance, just as the sun-worshipping Incas did in ancient times.

    We’ll arrive at Wayqecha, our home for the next two nights, with time to observe the wonderful hummingbird feeders that attract Amethyst-throated Sunangel, Shining Sunbeam, Tyrian Metaltail and Gould’s Inca. Flocks of Andean Parakeets and White-collared Jays may be active in the area.

    The lodge has individual cabins and a glassed-in main building where we’ll have dinner.

    Accommodations at Wayqecha Biological Station

    Sat., Oct. 11     Full Day at Wayqecha Biological Station

    At an elevation of 9,800 feet, the Wayqecha Biological Station is situated in montane elfin forest characterized by stunted, moss-covered trees, cool temperatures and persistent fog. Mixed flocks will often include Grass-green and Golden-collared Tanagers as well as the large and colorful Hooded Mountain-Tanager.

    After a hot breakfast, we’ll set out from the lodge to look for Golden-headed Quetzal and Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan. We should find Rufous-breasted Chat-Tyrant, Highland Elaenia, Rust-and-yellow Tanager and Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager.

    After lunch at the lodge, there will be time for an afternoon siesta if you can tear yourself away from the feeders! We’ll enjoy delicious hot chocolate, perfect in the cool, misty mountains!

    Accommodations at Wayqecha Biological Station

    Sun., Oct. 12      Wayqecha Biological Station to Cock-of-the-Rock Lodge

    Following another wonderful morning at Wayqecha, we’ll spend the day gradually descending along the forested mountain road in search of mixed feeding flocks on our way to the Cock-of-the-Rock Lodge. We’ll drop nearly 5,000 feet as we make stops to scan for Andean Umbrellabirds perched on treetops, Andean Guan, Andean Motmot and a variety of raptors.

    Fast-moving flocks of tanagers are a special feature at this elevation, and the forest edge can be teeming with Yellow-throated, Orange-eared, Golden-naped, Blue-necked, Paradise, Golden-eared, Bay-headed, Fawn-breasted and Orange-headed Tanagers. We’ll also keep our eyes out for Yungas Manakin, Versicolored Barbet, Blue-banded Toucanet and Crested Quetzal.

    Accommodations at Cock-of-the-Rock Lodge

    Mon., Oct. 33 and Tues., Oct. 14     Cock-of-the-Rock Lodge

    We have two days to enjoy the Cock-of-the-Rock Lodge, one of the great birding lodges of the world. Situated about halfway between the Ajcanaco Pass and the Madre de Dios River, the lodge offers access to both montane and foothill bird species.

    The lodge takes its name from the nearby Andean Cock-of-the-Rock lek, where we’ll observe the awesome spectacle of their raucous display ritual at dawn. Bring your camera!

    The dining area overlooks feeders that attract tanagers, barbets, toucans and toucanets while the hummingbird feeders bring in about a dozen species including Buff-tailed Sicklebill, Sparkling Violetear, Wire-crested Thorntail, the endemic Peruvian Piedtail and Violet-fronted Woodnymph. Fruiting trees encourage visits from Orange-belied Euphonia and many tanagers and Russet-backed Oropendolas hang from their pendulous nests. If that weren’t enough, several species of primates occur on the grounds.

    We’ll enjoy fabulous meals at the lodge and explore the trails and the entrance road. In the evening we’ll look for Lyre-tailed Nightjar, Andean Potoo and Rufescent Screech-Owl.

    Accommodations at Cock-of-the-Rock Lodge

    Wed., Oct. 15 and Thurs., Oct. 16       Villa Carmen Biological Station

    After breakfast, we’ll continue our slow descent, moving from the elfin forest into the upper tropical zone where agriculture has displaced much of the natural habitat, however, in this part of Peru, the old forests remain untouched. We’ll be on the lookout for scarce species like Lanceolated Monklet, Versicolored Barbet, Slaty Gnateater, Cinnamon-faced Tyrannulet, Black-backed Tody-Flycatcher, Deep-blue Flowerpiercer, Stripe-chested Antwren and others.

    We’ll arrive at Villa Carmen Biological Station in the afternoon, our home for two full days of birding. Located in the transition zone between montane forest and lowland rainforest, this lodge has an impressive bird list of over 475 species. The extensive trail system transects a mosaic of habitats, including foothill rainforest, secondary forest, pastures and fishponds. Flowering shrubs attract lowland rainforest hummingbirds including Blue-tailed Emerald, Gray-breasted Sabrewing, Fork-tailed Woodnymph and perhaps Rufous-crested Coquette. Extensive stands of Guadua bamboo typical of the foothill forests here are home to several rare birds like Bamboo Antshrike, Dusky-cheeked Foliage-gleaner, Peruvian Recurvebill, Flammulated Pygmy-Tyrant and Large-headed Flatbill.

    During our stay, we’ll visit some fantastic hummingbird gardens, giving us the chance to observe and photograph these birds at close range. We’ll also take a night walk, looking for Common Potoo, Ladder-tailed Nightjar, Tawny-bellied Screech-Owl and Black-banded Owl.

    Accommodations at Villa Carmen Lodge

    Fri., Oct. 17      Atalaya | Boating on the Madre de Dios!

    This morning we’ll have a very early breakfast then drive to the port of Atalaya where we’ll board a motorized canoe for a journey down the Alto Madre de Dios River. We may see Hoatzin on the way, strange and unique birds that primarily feed on young leaves and buds, which are digested in the crop with the aid of bacteria and microbes—earning them the nickname “stinky birds” in the local language.

    It’s a four-hour trip until we reach the confluence with the Manu River. Here the clear mountain water joins the brown, roiling river laden with silt. It’s flat here, and the river slows to a lazy pace, piling up impressive sandbars that are home to Pied Lapwings, Horned Screamers, Sand-colored Nighthawks and the rare Orinoco Goose. As we float through the Amazonian Rainforest, we could spot raptors such as Great Black Hawk and Ornate Hawk-Eagle and sometimes large mammals like South American Tapir or Capybara. We’ll likely view Blue-and-yellow and Scarlet Macaws squawking as they cross the river.

    We’ll arrive at the Manu Wildlife Center in the late afternoon. Although remote, the accommodations here are first class -- bungalows with en-suite baths and a spacious dining area.

    Accommodations at Manu Wildlife Center

    Sat., Oct. 18 – Mon., Oct. 20          Manu Wildlife Center

    We’ll spend three full days birding at Manu, providing us the opportunity to explore many microhabitats within the rainforest such as the extensive Várzea (seasonally flooded with white water), terra firme (forest that never floods) and large stands of Guadua bamboo.

    We’ll visit a clay lick where hundreds of parrots gather to ingest the mineral-rich soil to offset the acidic fruits and berries that make up the bulk of their diets. We often see Orange-cheeked, Blue-headed, Mealy and Yellow-crowned Parrots; Tui and Cobalt-winged Parakeets and Blue-and yellow and Scarlet Macaws.

    We’ll explore two lagoons by boat where we should find Giant Otters. A canopy tower provides an awesome perspective on the extensive rainforests. Watching the morning mist rising above the forests with flocks of commuting macaws is an experience you’ll not soon forget. The sounds of trogons, oropendolas, aracaris and cotingas all compete for attention.

    In the afternoon we’ll explore stands of Guadua bamboo where we may find Rufous-headed Woodpecker, Manu Antbird, Dusky-tailed Flatbill and White-lined Antbird. Trails through the terra firme and Várzea forests could yield Pavonine Quetzal, Pale-winged Trumpeter, Razor-billed Curassow, Purus Jacamar, Banded Antbird, Royal Flycatcher, Musician Wren, Collared Puffbird and dozens more. We’ll be on the lookout for mixed flocks as well, composed mostly of antwrens, antshrikes, greenlets, woodcreepers and flycatchers.

    Evening owling sessions might turn up Crested and Spectacled Owls, Great and Long-tailed Potoos, and Silky-tailed Nightjar—along with many interesting insects, frogs and mammals.

    Accommodations at Manu Wildlife Center

    Tues., Oct. 21      By River to Puerto Maldonado

    Our final morning at the Manu Wildlife Center. We might decide to visit the clay lick once more before we start our full-day journey out of the Amazon. We’ll start onboard a boat that will take us down the Madre de Dios River to the town of Boca Colorado, scanning the riverbanks for Sunbitterns or perhaps a perched Ornate Hawk-Eagle. When we reach Boca Colorado, we’ll take a one-hour ride in local transport to the Inambari River, then board our waiting bus that will complete our journey, taking us to our hotel in Puerto Maldonado.

    After a long day of travel and the shock of arriving back in a modern city, we’ll take some time to settle into our comfy rooms and enjoy hot showers before a lovely farewell dinner!

    Accommodations at Hotel Enai, Puerto Maldonado

    Wed., Oct. 22       Tambopata Boardwalk Birding

    Those departing today from the main tour will likely have flights from Lima around midnight, so we’ll have time for some local birding in the morning. There is a boardwalk trail along the river at the Tambopata Reserve where we could find Red-breasted Blackbird, White-tailed Kite, Grassland Sparrow, Black-faced Tanager, Barred Antshrike and others. Stands of Buriti Palm give us chances at specialists such as Sulphury Flycatcher, Point-tailed Palmcreeper and Red-bellied Macaw. We’ll also search for the range-restricted White-throated Jacamar before flying back to Lima to catch international flights. Dinner is at your leisure either at the airport or at the Cosa del Sol just across the street.

    Those continuing on our fabulous extension to Machu Picchu can check into rooms at the Costa del Sol.


    Thurs. Oct. 23   Cusco and Ollantaytambo

    Explore the scenic Sacred Valley and ruins at Ollantaytambo. Along the way, we’ll make stops to look for Royal Cinclodes, Ash-breasted Tit-Tyrant and White-browed Tit-Spinetail in the high-altitude Polylepis woodland at the pass, and Diademed Tapaculo, Unstreaked Tit-Tyrant, Golden-collared Tanager, Violet-throated Starfrontlet, Parodi´s Hemispingus, Marcapata Spinetail and many more at the wet north-eastern slope. 

    Accommodations at Pakaritampu Hotel 

    Fri. Oct 24        Ollantaytambo to Machu Picchu

    Today we’ll take the famous train from Ollantaytambo to Machu Picchu. Upon arrival, we’ll enjoy lunch and check into the Inkaterra Pueblo Hotel. In the afternoon, we can do some local birding or opt for an afternoon visit to see the Inca ruins.

    Accommodations at Inkaterra Pueblo Hotel

    Sat. Oct 25        Machu Picchu

    Full day at Machu Picchu, birding and ruins. The steep road to Machu Picchu is an adventure in itself! Once we arrive, there will be time to explore these fabulous ruins and marvel at the scenery. We don’t see many birds around the ruins, but perhaps a Green-and-white Hummingbird will buzz by, or and Inca Wren might be seen prowling the stone walls.

    There may be a chance for some birding after visiting Machu Picchu on our way back to our hotel.

    Accommodations at Inkaterra Pueblo Hotel

    Sun. Oct 26       Cusco to Lima | Departures

    Today we’ll take the train back to Cusco from Machu Picchu, then to Lima to catch late evening international flights home.

  • Please read through Rocky Mountain Birding terms and conditions here.

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